Csokonai Sorozo

Probably the best restaurant in Debrecen
06 June 2012 Price range : 0 - 20 USD
In my very short stay in Debrecen I managed to try the Csokonai Sorozo restaurant as some of my friends recommend it.
The restaurant is great, the food is fresh and …More
In my very short stay in Debrecen I managed to try the Csokonai Sorozo restaurant as some of my friends recommend it.
The restaurant is great, the food is fresh and very tasty! Most of the dishes are Hungarian and I would also recommend the wine here, as most of you know Hungary is renown for its wine production and at Csokonai Sorozo you will definitely get the best wine in Debrecen.
The service was impeccable, and employees know English and German so you can get along with them just fine!
4.60 5 Rating:
Noise level
1 review

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