Maison du Chamarier

The Maison du Chamarier, also known as Hôtel d'Estaing, is a house at 37 rue Saint-Jean in the 5th arrondissement of Lyon, at the corner of Rue de la Bombarde. It was …More
The Maison du Chamarier, also known as Hôtel d'Estaing, is a house at 37 rue Saint-Jean in the 5th arrondissement of Lyon, at the corner of Rue de la Bombarde. It was built in 1498 but the ancient ruins are from the thirteenth century. From Latin cameriarus, the word "Chamarier" means the superintendent of the finances of the bishop of the Lyon Cathedral. He also has the keys to the gates of the enclosure canonical. From the fifteenth century, he gathered the taxes collected during the fairs.
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