Sighisoara Citadel

Town information
The city of Sighisoara is known in Europe as one of the fortified towns which is still inhabited. What is today a wonderful town is the remain of a town build as a Roman …More
The city of Sighisoara is known in Europe as one of the fortified towns which is still inhabited. What is today a wonderful town is the remain of a town build as a Roman fort and in the 12th century at the invitation from the King of Hungary, German Saxons have settled here.
Being placed at the edge of the Central Europe, Sighisoara had a very important commercial role. Craftsmen and merchant have played an important role in the cities development assuring both its flourishing economy and protection.
The city has became a refuge and home for many royal personalities, including Vlad Dracul - the father of Vlad the Impaler. Renown for it's connection with the famous Dracula Vlad Dracul did not do macabre things during his say here but he did issued the first document that gave the city its Romanian name Sighisoara, name first attested in 1435.
Sighisora has survived wars and occupations, plagues and fires and today is listed as World Heritage Site by UNESCO due to the well preserved medieval fortifications.
If you visit Sighisoara make sure to get a guide that will make sure to get you trough all the details that you need to know about the city.
The Clock Tower is something you should not miss, 64 m high and with a lovely view. Also the Rope Tower, the Butchers' Tower, the Tailors Tower, the Shoemakers Tower, the Tanners Tower, the Tin Tower, the Blacksmith Tower .
Other thinks you should check are the Weapon Museum located next to the house where Vlad was given birth. The Church on the Hill is a Impressive Gothic building close to the cemetery and to get there you should walk the Covered Staircase that also leads to the Joseph Haltrich High School .
If you are looking for a place to stay I would recommend you the Cositorarilor House! The Pension offers accommodation, food, drinks and cookies that are served with a flair of old and traditional German Saxon traditions.
Make sure you spend some days in this beautiful citadel and enjoy every bit of it!
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