The Bahamas Junkanoo Festival

The Bahamas Junkanoo Festival
Bahamian Junkanoo Festival - one of the most important and special events of the culture and traditions of the inhabitants of the archipelago, becoming in the same time …More
Bahamian Junkanoo Festival - one of the most important and special events of the culture and traditions of the inhabitants of the archipelago, becoming in the same time a very popular tourist attraction.

This festival was born a long time ago, when the slaves who worked the plantations received some free days around the Christmas holidays. They celebrated the event in a unique style, and now Junkanoo Festival reminds us all about those old times.

During this period of freedom, the slaves were gathering in large groups where they were dancing, singing and celebrating the freedom as well as their origin - the African origin.

After slavery was abolished, the event has not occurred on a large scale, but a small group of locals continued to celebrate Junkanoo as a important festival, in which is celebrated the freedom.

The event starts in the morning of December 26 and is manifested by the presence of people on the streets, scrolling in different costumes. This great parade is a top tourist attraction, and the events are repeated on January 1 of each year.

It is important to know that Junkanoo Festival is celebrated also in other times of the year such as for example in the summer on the island of Grand Bahama.

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